Turning odd jobs into opportunities!
Errandz is a mobile platform software application that serves as a solution for people who are looking for odd jobs to earn quick money. For example, the high school kids who are too young to be working full time but are old enough to help someone in the neighborhood with everyday chores like babysitting, lawn mowing, repairing, grocery shopping, car washing, yard cleaning and assembling the furniture. This application will provide them with an opportunity to earn some pocket money by working for a couple of hours and learn some skills along the way.
Main Features
- Find Nearby Odd Jobs (10km radius of the location)
- Find Taskers Conveniently
- Reliable and Secure Platform
- Check User Profile (Hirer/Worker)
- Reviews and ratings
My Role
I worked as a lead designer on this project
- Created user persona template to be used by other designers
- Reviewed and gave a final touch to the project and team logo
- Created UI-kit with all the elements required to start with UI screens
- Modified icons according to the requirements of the application
- Designed mobile mock-ups, modified website landing page mock-ups and created a prototype of the application in Adobe XD
- Created animated project logo to be used in promotional videos
- Made promotional videos using Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro
- Worked on final presentation with other designers, created a beautiful story illustration describing the how this project idea came into existence.
Tools Used
Created User Personas after digging down into research about our target users.
User flow​​​​​​​
Various versions of user were created before getting into the design process. The app was divided into two parts i.e. Client side (One who is looking for labor) and Worker side (One who is looking for work).
First version
Final version- Client side
Final version- Worker side
After finalizing the user flow, wireframes were created and modified in the direction to create the final mock-ups.
Client side
Worker side
UI Kit
Created UI kit containing all the elements to be used throughout the design process.
Application Promotion
For promotion of our application, we created a landing page website. The mock-up part for webpage was done in Adobe XD, which were then turned into live by our development team. Click here for website mock-ups.
We also created a beautiful project proposal, a social advertisement, one pager and promotional video by using the Adobe's  creative tools such as Indesign, Illustrator, After Effects and Premiere Pro.
The animation and graphic sequences were added with the help of After Effects and then the video clips were edited together in a sequence using Premiere Pro.
Thank You!
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